How to clean the baby crib?

Views: 7     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-07-06      Origin: Site


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Babies always need more care! The unhygienic environment can easily let the bacteria "bully" the baby and make the baby sick. At this time, the cleaning of the baby crib is very important, so how should we clean the baby crib?


This article contains the following:

How to clean the baby crib

Precautions for using ababy crib

 How long do babies sleep a day


1.How to clean the baby crib

1. Prepare a cloth specifically for wiping the baby crib, and the material of the cloth also has certain requirements: try to be as soft as possible. Frequently wipe the stripes along the baby crib with a cloth moistened with water. After scrubbing, dry with a dry cloth. The purpose of this is to remove the dust from the baby crib, at the same time, it is also to give the baby a clean environment.

2. When cleaning, do not use any chemical cleaning agents, which is not good. Because there are chemicals in the cleaning agents on the market, if they are left on thebaby crib, they can be easily touched by the baby and enter the baby's mouth, causing great hidden dangers. It is best to wash with clean water, this is the best.

3. We need to regularly check the baby crib and the small corners for thorns or scratches. Try to smooth it out and make it as smooth as possible! Clean the baby crib with a slightly damp cloth and wipe off any water stains with a dry cloth. Try not to use cleaning agents. Maybe people think that the longer the quilt is, the better. In fact, drying quilts also have knowledge, ultraviolet light can kill poison, under the combined action of sunlight and wind, harmful bacteria and microorganisms adsorbed in the quilt can be quickly removed. Down, synthetic fibers and wool quilts can not be exposed to sunlight for a long time, just put them in a ventilated place for about 1 hour.


2.Precautions for using a baby crib 

1. Try to choose a cylindrical fence. The distance between the two fences should not exceed 6 cm (this is a new standard number) to prevent the baby from sticking his head out of the middle and causing unnecessary injuries.

2. Correct the sleeping position of the baby in time, otherwise it will make the skull on the side in contact with the pillow compressed and flattened; at the same time, due to the different tension of the sternocleidomastoid muscles on both sides, it can cause acquired torticollis. If the torticollis is not corrected in time, the facial development on both sides will be asymmetric. Keeping your eyes on one side for a long time can easily cause strabismus.

3. Do not place small objects and stationery in the bed to avoid accidental eating. The child often sleeps sideways in a fixed direction, making the skull on the side in contact with the pillow compressed and flattened; at the same time due to the tension of the sternocleidomastoid muscles Different, can cause acquired torticollis. If the torticollis is not corrected in time, the facial development on both sides will be asymmetric. Keeping your eyes on one side for a long time can easily cause strabismus.

4. Parents need to regularly check the firmness of the baby crib parts to ensure safety. Do not put stickers on the surface of the baby crib. If the sticker is warped, the child may tear it off and stuff it into the mouth. Moreover, the printed paper with bright patterns is easy to make the children irritable. Usually, the regular patterns of warm colors will make the children calm and happy.


3.How long do babies sleep a day

 The younger the baby, the more sleep: the newborn baby of 1-3 months sleeps most of the day, about 18 hours a day. By 4-6 months, the baby's daily sleep time should be guaranteed to be 15-16 hours. With the rapid development of the baby's desire for activities in the surrounding world, the daytime sleep time began to gradually decrease. Babies who used to wake up twice in the night now only wake up once. Babies who used to wake up only once now can sleep until dawn. The daily sleep time of babies from 7 to 11 months should be 14-15 hours per day. Generally, sleep at night for about 10 hours at 12 months, sleep at 13-14 hours per day at 15 months. Sleep at 13-14 hours per day at 2 years old. About 12.5 hours. At the age of 3, he sleeps about 12 hours a day. There is no need to force him to take a nap. For a baby over 3 years old, as long as he sleeps well at night and has enough sleep time, he can meet his growth demand. If the baby is unwilling to take a nap, parents do not have to force it; when they are 4 years old, they sleep 11-12 hours a day; when they are 5-7 years old, they sleep 10-11 hours a day.

If you want to buy baby cribs, European CribMDF Crib please contact KINDERCASA.


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